Women are people too

Hello Internet Friends,

Color me silly but I believe women are also people. This thing that has kept bothering me is all of this Donald Trump touching women inappropriately. I don’t like hearing it. This is what gets me all riled up. No one is talking about this anymore. It’s Russia and Mueller and arguing and racism. Yes sir, those are important things, but the Republican Party – at least when I called myself a Republican proudly – was the Party of Family values and of Jesus Christ, our Lord Savior.

Now what the heck would Jesus say if he saw the kind of life that Donald Trump is living and saying?

Oh my goodness, no sir. This is terrible. A few weeks ago reading that poor girl’s account of President Trump touching her inappropriately. That is terrible. I can’t stop thinking about what her and all those other poor women went through. Why do people pretend it isn’t a bad thing? I remember we were all upset when President Clinton had inappropriate relations with that intern. Why aren’t we holding President Trump to the same standards, ESPECIALLY since this disgusting fellow says things that he likes to grab beautiful women by the *****.

I’ll tell you what Jesus Christ would say to that: He’d wash that man’s mouth out with soap!

This Jeffrey Epstein business, don’t even get me started. I don’t give a hoot who it is associating with this man. If anyone is guilty, they should also be punished. I don’t care if they’re Republican, Democrat, no party. If someone also touched children, they should be in jail. PERIOD! These girls are CHILDREN! Why are people calling it inappropriate relations with underage women. THEY ARE CHILDREN.

My goodness. I don’t know what is happening anymore. I think we all need to pray more for each other and hold everyone accountable for their actions regardless of who they are. Be good to people.

God Bless,

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