Humans Are People

Hi Internet friends,

Sorry for being away. I got too angry and Randy suggested I ignore the news for a while. I reckon I did an all right job at that, my dog Larry and I went outside most every day. He chased rabbits and such and I did my darndest to place my focus on the people around me, which I suppose leads me back to you Internet void.

I don’t know if I’ve said it before, but I live out in West Texas. Most of us are conservatives. Many still call themselves Republican. I don’t any more. It’s not the party I grew up with because it’s not a party of Jesus and family values any more. I can’t support people who put party over family and God and country. I can’t support people who don’t respect the sacredness of human life.

We need to start calling these detention centers what they are — concentration camps. They are a concentration of people in a small space where they aren’t given water or soap. It don’t matter if they’re here illegally or legally or whether they commited crimes or whether they’re innocent. They are HUMAN LIVES and we need to make sure they can stay alive while they are detained.

Now, I don’t know what I think about that. They came illegally, so they shouldn’t come in, but Lord, they’re here and we need to treat their lives with respect. Especially those little kids. They didn’t choose to come here but here they are. Jesus says we need to take care of thy neighbor. He don’t say it, but we especially need to take care of our kids. We don’t know what made them come here, but it must be pretty dang bad if they’re coming here if they know they could end up being locked up, you know?

Hearing about these kids that don’t have access to water and soap really makes me angry and sad at these politicians. They need to stop caring about lining their pockets with money and remember that Jesus said to love everybody and treat them with respect.

Shut down the concentration camps. It’s not right.

God bless.

– Chet

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